Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Library talks

It's been a while since I've given a talk at a library, so I was really looking forward to last night's one at my own village library. And what a lovely audience I had there! (If any of you from Galleywood find their way to this blog - hello (wave)! - and thanks again for coming! I didn't count the numbers, but the library ran out of chairs so that was a good indication! I mentioned last night that I once heard another writer say: 'It's always good to see more than one person at these events!' - and that's absolutely right. It's so nice that people make the effort to come out in the evening - especially a hot one like last night - to listen to a fairly unknown local author, so it really is appreciated.

I'll now tell you the original story behind the 'more than one' comment, because I think it's very funny. I heard it in a talk by Simon Brett, a very clever and funny author and excellent speaker. He described a situation encountered by a friend who arrived to give a talk in a huge auditorium in Finland, seating 500. Only one person was in the audience, right at the back. He waited until 10 minutes after the starting time, then stood up and suggested to this guy that, as there were only the two of them, it might be better if they went to the pub instead and talked in a more intimate environment. The chap responded: 'You talk.' So the author returned to the podium and began his talk. There was no reaction whatsoever from his one-person audience, so again, he suggested calling it a day and heading for the pub. Again, the response was: 'You talk.' So he carried on, but eventually, he couldn't stand it any longer and asked the guy why he really wanted him to continue to talk. He replied: 'You talk, I play piano afterwards.' He'd been hired to provide piano music at the end of the event - the audience was actually non-existent!

So you can see where we're coming from. Total lack of audience = humiliation. More than one = fantastic!

The new book's officially out tomorrow - I'll be back with a celebratory post then.


  1. Hi, Olivia. Glad the library talk went well and was well attended! If anyone turned out to hear me speak I'd faint! Not because I'm good with crowds anyway, but because I'd be so amazed they wanted to hear me chunter on about my book/work!!

    Hope the book launch goes really well tomorrow and that you enjoy the day!

    Julie xx

  2. Thanks Julie. I did feel a bit like fainting, I must admit! But people do want to hear us talk about books, and writing, you know. When you think about it, we find it a fascinating subject ourselves so we shouldn't be surprised that lots of other people are interested. Very glad they are, too!

  3. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for the launch Olivia. Enjoy

  4. Thank you, Gonna Be! I've had a really nice day, posed for a photographer, enjoyed some messages of congratulations - and I'm about to go out for a meal at the pub with Himself. And that's all BEFORE we have the proper celebration party on Monday so I really am being spoilt!
