Saturday, 11 February 2012

Good news!

It's so nice to have good news to report for a change! What with the awful weather, an awful sinus infection I've been fighting since Christmas, and nothing but rejections lately on the short story front, I didn't really have anything positive to say ... until now! So I'll waste no more time in telling you - I've got a new agent!

I've been 'around' in the writing business (and had enough disappointments, trust me!) to know this doesn't necessarily mean a cause for huge celebration ... having an agent doesn't necessarily spell success or even publication. My last brief experience with an agent was frankly, a disaster. But what it does mean is that someone, a professional, who knows the business, likes my new book enough to feel they can give it a chance.

As I've hinted on this blog already, the new book is a complete departure from my previous work - a different genre, because although I've had some success, the market for 'Rom Com', 'Chick Lit', Contemporary Women's Fiction, whatever you want to call it, has become so much more difficult that I realised I needed to make a change. Although I was pleased with the new book, I had no idea whether anyone was going to like it - so if nothing else, my lovely new agent has given my confidence a boost and convinced me it's worth a shot!

I'll say no more just yet - I've only just signed the letter of appointment. But I'll keep you informed!


  1. Wow Olivia that sounds great! Well done you x

  2. Oh what good news, Teresa. Congratulations on getting that far - it's a huge stepping stone (hopefully) to publication. No wonder you're pleased...

  3. Olivia, well done, good luck, can't wait to hear whether it's horror, thriller, funny???? I'll watch closely.

  4. Fanastic news, Olivia, and very well deserved!

  5. Thank you everyone. As I say, I'm being cautious with the celebratory shouts just yet. But it's nice to have been given some hope again! I think I'll keep you guessing about the new genre for a while rather than 'jinx' the situation ... suffice to say it's different from my previous books!

  6. Congratulations. I hope it works out.

  7. Well done Olivia and hope your new agent gives you the boost you deserve.

  8. Thanks Keith, Colette and Maggie! I will keep you all informed, of course, if there's any more news.

  9. Hi Olivia, I'm a new 'follower'. Congratulations! I wish you well and look forward to following your blog. :-)

  10. Hi Diane and apologies for being so long in responding - I've been away. (And as soon as I've recovered from the jet-lag I'll be writing a new post all about it!)

    Welcome to the blog and thank you for following!
