Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Writers' Forum feature - and an event last night

The December edition of 'Writers' Forum' has just landed on my doormat - and I'm pleased to say it contains the feature I wrote back in the spring, about novelists who start off as short story writers. I found it a really interesting piece of research to do - and many of you helped me by telling me about your own experiences. So if you want to read my findings ... get your copy of the magazine as soon as you see it in the shops! And thanks again of course, to all those who helped with this project.
The various ways we arrive at our destination as published novelists is always one of the topics discussed when I'm part of an author panel at a writing event. I took part in one such event last night at Gants Hill Library, near Ilford - with fellow authors Sue Moorcroft, Jean Fullerton, Juliet Archer and Heidi Rice (in that order in the picture). Believe it or not, the colour co-ordination of our outfits was completely accidental: great minds must think alike, or we were all in purple moods last night!
It was a really nice evening, although sadly the attendance was depleted by absolutely horrible weather. As always, though, 'the show must go on', and I think those who braved the rain and wind to turn up were interested and appreciative. Those of us on the panel always enjoy ourselves, and for me it was a great opportunity to meet, and chat with, those of the group who I'd only known by name before.
In between my writing projects at the moment, I'm spending a bit of time going through the hundreds of photos that Himself and I took on our trip to China. I'm trying to make a photo-book from the best pictures, and as you can probably imagine it's quite a lengthy job, editing, choosing, deleting, arranging - but it's enjoyable too, especially as it's helping to keep the memories sharp in the ageing brain! I haven't forgotten that I promised to post some more about China on the blog, and I'll be doing that, together with a few more pics, when I've finally finished going through them all.
But for now - back to editing a new short story for People's Friend - the editor likes this one and just wanted a small change made to the ending, so fingers crossed it's a happy ending for me too!


  1. Hi Olivia!
    Been out of circulation for a bit so enjoying catching up on everyone's blogs.
    Looking forward to the Writers' Forum piece. Don't you just love it when an editor says: "yes, but -"? So much nicer to have the chance to get it right for them than to have another dreaded R to deal with! Well done! x

  2. I'll look forward to reading your feature, and how funny you all turning up in purple! Glad it went well in spite of the horrid weather.

    Good luck with the story - I've given up trying to 'crack' People's Friend!

  3. Good luck with your story. I know what a great time I had at one of your chat so I'm sure those who braved the weather enjoyed it too.
    Can't wait to see your pictures

  4. Thanks everyone for your comments, and hope you have enjoyed the piece in Writers' Forum.

    I've now made 2 lots of changes to that story, Karen, and am waiting for the next verdict! I do quite well with P.F., but I do often have to made amendments. Worth it in the end!

    The first part of the China saga (with photos) is now on the blog.
