Friday, 15 May 2009

Feature in Writers' Forum - and ******* computers!

One of the most enjoyable pieces of writing I've done recently is a feature I've written for the Writers' Forum magazine, on the subject of 'Giving Up the Day Job'. As I left my own job about a year ago - actually for health reasons at the time, but I then decided to make a full-time career out of my writing and family commitments - I had found out first-hand a few pros and cons of working at home as a writer, having previously spent my days in a busy office with lots of colleagues. I thought it would be interesting to get some views and advice from other authors, and I was really lucky that some lovely people I've got to know through membership of the RNA (Romantic Novelists' Association) - Christina Jones, Judy Astley, Fenella Miller and Katie Fforde - all agreed to help out by answering some questions for the feature. I was really chuffed to hear that the editor was pleased with the result, and it should be in the July issue - out towards the end of June. I'll remind you nearer the time! It's a great magazine anyway, if you don't already read it - full of interesting and helpful articles for writers.

I might have posted about this sooner, if it wasn't for the fact that (1) our ancient and very temperamental computer finally died on us, and (2) as soon as we'd installed our new (well, new second-hand!) computer, the internet connection promptly fizzled out. Having tried all the obvious solutions (we've been known to have things plugged into the wrong ports, or not plugged in at all, when phoning the helpline, which can be very embarrassing) - we had a chat to our internet provider who diagnosed a terminally sick Router and promised us a new one in the post - within five days. Five days!! Five days without the internet! The husband and I have been beside ourselves - we've had to actually talk to each other, and phone people instead of e-mailing them. Well, we have fortunately had the use of our local library to check our e-mails on alternate days (it's a village library and isn't open every day) - but not having the facility to simply go on-line whenever the need arises has been frighteningly frustrating. How did we manage a few years ago before we all had computers at home? I really don't like the fact that I've become so dependent on something I don't even really understand: I'm very technologically inadequate and to me, the fact that this blog post is going out there for anyone to read is quite frankly akin to magic. Well, on the fifth day the new router has arrived and I'm quite impressed with the husband who's managed to work out how to plug it in - and we're back in business, thank goodness, until the next time something goes wrong! It must have been so much easier relying on pen and paper ... but I couldn't go back to it now - could you?